How I Can Help You
Good content writing brings people to your website and wins their trust.
It informs, educates, and entertains. It reaches out from the depths of Google’s results pages, captures the attention of curious procrastinators, diligent problem-solvers, and the inquisitively minded, and turns them into captive readers. And, in the process, it makes your website an authority on whatever they’ve just typed into the search bar.
This requires two key skill sets: the ability to write useful, engaging articles that readers value; and a knowledge of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and how to incorporate SEO into a piece of writing so that those readers find it in the first place.
Fortunately, I offer both.
The best content writing entices web users to your site, captivates them into staying, and earns their confidence. Whether your objective is to increase sales or simply spread a message, building this kind of relationship with readers will help you to maximise your reach and achieve your goals more effectively than before.
If this could benefit you, reach out. Let’s discuss a content package to increase engagement with your website.
Content Writing
Though similar, copywriting is subtly different to content writing. While content enables you to build your audience, copy helps you sell to them.
Copywriting is persuasive. It encourages readers to take immediate action and directly interact with your business (for instance, by signing-up to a newsletter, taking out a subscription, or buying a product).
So, content writing will generate organic traffic for your website. Copywriting will convert that traffic to leads. The two work beautifully in tandem.
Tell me how you would like to engage your audience. Let’s create copy that turns your readers into consumers.
Do you have an important message or idea? Or simply a wealth of experience that you wish to share but cannot quite put into words? Whether you wish to write an article or an eBook, I can help you.
Depending on your preference, I can work from transcripts, videos, or face-to-face interviews, and I take pride in my ability to adopt your voice and translate it to the written form.
I have ghostwritten for a wide range of people — from world-famous footballers and coaches, to engineers, researchers, doctors, and wellness practitioners — in a variety of formats. My experience enables me to help individuals unlock their message, harness the power of their own insights, and produce writing they’re proud to put their name to.
Sometimes, ensuring your writing is up to scratch requires a professional editor.
Perhaps you need an article checking for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and misused idioms. Or maybe you need a thorough review of your entire website.
Subtle improvements — like ensuring that all pages are consistently formatted and written in the same form of English (imagine riding a lift made of British aluminium up to a store selling colorful American sneakers), or implementing a brand voice and/or house writing style — can go a long way towards making your website appear tidier and more professional.
Whatever your needs, I will scour your writing with a fine-tooth comb.*
With several years’ experience editing a UK magazine, I promise a keen eye and a stubborn desire to make your work perfect.
Get in touch, and let me give you peace of mind.
*(And yes, that’s ‘fine-tooth comb’, not ‘fine toothcomb’.)
Or maybe your content is perfect already, but it isn’t getting the audience it deserves.
There are several tricks to making an article rank highly on Google. Delicately seasoning it with focus and long-tail keywords (in a way that feels organic and ensures the text is still readable) is a great place to start, but there are many more ways to thrust your writing before the eyes you want it to catch.
Optimising headers (H1 and H2), utilising meta tags and descriptions, and even getting your word count and number of paragraphs within an ideal range can also bolster a page’s ranking.
Aided with professional SEO tools, I will conduct a thorough analysis of your content and make the essential tweaks that leave it beautifully written and easier to find.
SEO Editing
Speeches can be daunting. But with the right preparation, they don’t need to be.
Whether it’s for a best man speech, a Master of Ceremonies address, a corporate oration, or an after-dinner deliverance, if you require words to enrapture, inspire, or amuse, I can write them.
I find speech writing to be incredibly fun. And I believe that every person I have created a speech with has thoroughly enjoyed the process too.
Much like ghostwriting, I’ll strive to capture your essence and subject matter. And beyond a yearning to vicariously enthral your audience, I offer formatting tricks and practice techniques to help the words flow seamlessly from the page to your mouth on the big day.
So don’t fear that big public address. I’ll help you deliver it with aplomb.
Speech Writing
As a qualified journalist with experience writing for (and subsequently editing) a UK magazine, I also enjoy the process of thoroughly researching a topic and covering it in depth.
This might mean delving into scientific and academic journals in order to understand, condense, and then coherently present peer-reviewed information on medical or technological innovations; writing an accessible account of a historical or political event; exploring the newest fintech developments; or even collating the opinions of child psychologists in order to discuss the role of youth sports in education and social development.
Regardless of the topic, I love discovering new things, researching them at length, and presenting what I’ve learned in a way that’s informative and engaging for others.
If you have a subject that you would like me to immerse myself in, break down, and share with your audience, let me know. (If the topic is especially fascinating, I’ll give you a discount.)